Thursday, 23 June 2022

Advantages of Solar Panels for the Environment and Humans


Solar panels use renewable sources of energy to supply electricity to our homes, which not only puts less pressure on your pockets by lowering electricity bills but also helps to keep your environment clean and green. Installing rooftop solar panels at your home is beneficial for your environment since it does not emit harmful gasses and improves the air quality.

Let's check out some advantages of installing solar panels for the environment and home.

Low Electricity Bills

By installing rooftop solar panels at home, you can see a dip in your monthly electricity bill. Switching to solar panels can decrease your dependency on grid-based electricity.

As you can directly generate electricity through solar energy. In addition, the decrease in the bills will help you increase your savings. 

Increase Your Property Value

Installing solar panels on the rooftops can also increase your property value. If your home is equipped with solar panels, it can be an attractive selling point for real estate agents to market your property.

Less Use of Water

The traditional way of producing electricity requires thousands of liters of water each year. This is because the conventional way of producing electricity needs water for cooling generators, processing and refining fuel, and transporting fuel through pipes.

However, generating electricity through solar panels does not require water. It requires only rainwater to naturally clean the panels when they get covered with dirt or litter.

Less Emission of Harmful Gases

Solar panels have no negative impact on the environment since they produce electricity through a natural source of energy that is safe for your surroundings. It does not emit harmful gases like CO2 and other chemicals which go into the environment and deteriorate the air quality. 

So by using solar panels, you can make your environment clean and lower the release of harmful gasses.

Save Climate Change

As you know, generating electricity through a non-renewable source of energy leads to greenhouse gasses in the environment which pollutes the air and leads to global warming.

Solar panels are boon to the environment as they use a clean and green source of energy that keeps the surroundings green and healthy. The use of solar panels helps to protect the environment from global warming and saves the climate.

Less Dependency on Fossil Fuels

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the demand for electricity due to the growing population. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and other gasses are depleting day by day due to excess consumption, and they might not be able to meet future demand for power supply.

Installing these panels will make it easier to harness power through solar energy as this source of energy is unlimited and never going to be depleted. 

Aus-Brite is the best solar company in Australia. If you want to utilize the benefits of solar panels in Australia, then we are the best in this line of solar panels. Talk to our experts if you're looking for solar panel installation in Sydney.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Solar Panel Installation Process: A Complete Guide


Solar panels can harness solar energy to generate electricity for commercial and residential purposes. In both cases, the solar panel is installed on the roof Top to receive maximum sunlight and generate maximum electricity.

Few things you have to consider before the installation process:

1. You will need four main components of a solar power system: solar panels, a charge controller, solar inverter, and a battery pack. In addition to these items, you will require a breaker, meter, MC4 connector, and fuses, among other things.

2. Note down the home appliances that you use daily and calculate the ‘Watt-Hour’ by multiplying the runtime of a device with its power rating and keep in mind the size of the panel required to install on the rooftop.

The following steps are required in the installation process:

Step-1: Mount Installation

The first step is to fix the mounts that will support the Solar Panels. Depending on the requirement, it can be Roof-ground mounts or flush mounts, as this base structure provides support and sturdiness.

Panels should be installed in the direction where they can get maximum solar energy to yield full results.

Don’t forget to slightly tilt the angle of the mounting structure between 18 to 36 Degree.

Step-2: Install the Solar Panels

The next step is to fix the solar panels with the mounting structure. Nuts and bolts are tightened to fix the solar panels. Set the whole structure properly so that it remains strong and lasts long.

Step-3: Do Electrical Wiring

Electric writing is another crucial step in the installation process. MC4 connectors are used for wiring as all types of solar panels can be connected with MC4 connectors. These panels can be electrically connected with each other in the following series:

  1. Series Connection: In this case, the Positive Wire is of one module connected to the Negative Wire of another module.
  2. Parallel Connection: In this case, a Positive to Positive and a Negative to Negative connection is done.

Step-4: Connect the System to Solar Inverter

connecting the system to a solar inverter is the next step. The positive wire from the solar panel is connected to the Positive terminal of the inverter, and the Negative wire is connected to the Negative terminal of the inverter.

Step-5: Connect Solar Inverter and Solar Battery

Connecting solar battery and solar inverter is the next step. The battery’s positive terminal is connected with the positive terminal of the inverter and negative to negative. To store electricity backup, you need a battery in an off-grid system.

Step-6: Connect Solar Inverter to the Grid

The next step is to connect the inverter to the grid. A normal plug is used to connect to the main power switchboard. Next, an output wire is connected with an electric board that supplies electricity to the home.

Step- 7: Start the Solar Inverter

When all the electrical wiring and connections are made, it is time to start the inverter switch ON the Home’s Main Switch. Aus-Brite Solar is the best solar installer in Sydney. If you want to install rooftop solar panels, contact our experts.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Difference Between On-grid and Off-grid Solar System


Solar panel systems generate electricity by converting sunlight into usable energy through photovoltaic cells. A solar panel system generates electricity through solar energy. Solar panels are either on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid systems. You plan to installng rooftop solar panels at your home or business, but you are confused between off-grid and on-grid solar systems.

Let’s see some differences between On-grid and Off-grid solar panel systems to help you make the right choice.

On-Grid System:

An on-grid system is a grid-tied solar system that is connected to the utility grid. This solar system is most commonly used for residential and commercial requirements. Excess power generated is sent to the grid, and the consumer receives compensation for the same; if the system produces less electricity, then the consumer can use electricity from the grid and pay for the extra unit used, and you have to pay additional charges and electricity bills for connecting to the utility grid.

This system is beneficial since you do not need additional batteries for storing electricity. However, a huge battery backup to fulfill electricity requirements when the solar panel system is not working can be costly and put extra pressure on your pockets.

On-grid systems make use of the electricity produced by the utility when the system is not producing enough electricity for various reasons. However, on-grid solar systems will not work during power outages. If there is a power failure, the on-grid system will also stop functioning. It is done for the safety of the people at the grid working to resolve the power failure. This makes an on-grid system unsuitable for businesses that need electricity for 24 hrs or places with more power failure.

Off-grid Solar System

Off-grid systems are not connected to the power grid and work independently, i.e., without depending on the utility grid, which means no electricity bills, so it is vital to have enough battery backup to save electricity for these systems.

An off-grid system produces enough electricity, which can be used for future uses. In an off-grid system, batteries are connected to the system, due to which it is possible to store excess electricity. This excess electricity is used to supply power when the weather conditions are not good or when there is a storm due to which the system cannot provide the required electricity.

However, this system is costly as it requires a lot of other devices, such as batteries, solar panels, grid boxes, inverters, charge controllers, and mounting structures.

Therefore, off-grid systems are very costly as compared to on-grid systems. This system is mainly required in places far from the electricity grid or where there are frequent power failures, like army camps, remote rural areas, mining areas, farms, or highway motels.

The advantage of using an off-grid solar system is that electricity can be used during a utility power failure without any obstructions with sufficient battery backup. Buy solar panels in NSW since Aus-Brite Solar is the best solar power installer if you are looking for off-grid and on-grid solar systems for your home or business. Contact our experts.

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Solar Panels and Power Outage: Everything You Need to Know

 Once the solar panel is installed on your rooftop, there are chances to get tied to the electric grid in your area. In that case, you draw power from the utility company when there are weather conditions such as rains and storms or if there is less sunlight and panels can’t make as much energy as you generate electricity through the grid. 

What happens if the electric grid gets shut down due to lightning or extreme conditions such as rain or heavy winds? Then the electric grid might get shut down if electricity demand exceeds the availability. This power cut-off might affect your solar panel as well.

The main reason for this shutdown is to protect utility technicians sent to fix damaged power lines. The reason for the shut down of solar panels is that the solar system is connected to the grid with the help of a solar inverter. The solar inverter works on a smart meter that records the amount of energy used by you and the excess solar energy, which is sent back to the utility. So your solar panel will stop working if the grid shuts downs.


There are a Few Options for Using Solar Panels During a Power Outage

Most solar systems come with a battery, storing energy that you don’t use or export to the grid. A battery set up correctly can be used to power your home during a blackout.

Your solar battery can be a good option when you are disconnected from the electric grid of your area. This is referred to as ‘islanding’: an island of power with no connection to the wider grid. This allows you to use power without it being dangerous for anybody, and you can use your electric appliances with the help of this solar battery backup.

However, depending on these batteries during a blackout might prove very expensive to you.

So it is better to use only those appliances you want to provide power. These could be things like refrigerators or personal electronics/chargers. Unfortunately, installing solar batteries to keep your home or business running for a few days might cost more than you are willing to spend.

If you are looking for backup electricity but not willing to spend so much, generators are a better option. These backup generators are less expensive as compared to batteries. Therefore, it is easy to run your household or business at less price.

However, these generators use fossil fuels to generate electricity which is non-renewable and can damage your environment. Another option called Off-grid solar requires enough batteries to ensure you have enough electricity stored to survive in a blackout. However, off-grid solar is not a wise investment for most homes and businesses.

It might be difficult for you to generate electricity from the grid if your solar panel fails to produce the required electricity. Off-grid solar is a good option in far away areas such as farmhouses where there is no availability of an electric grid.


Aus-Brite is the best solar power installer in Sydney. If you are interested in installing solar panels for your home, contact our experts.